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4 Things to Avoid After Getting BOTOX in Leamington Spa

BOTOX® is a brand of anti-wrinkle injection from Allergan, an injectable substance that minimises the appearance of wrinkles by temporarily paralysing the facial muscles. As well as its cosmetic applications, BOTOX also has a variety of uses in the medical field and is widely considered to be safe, provided the treatment is carried out by an experienced practitioner. If you’ve been looking for BOTOX in Leamington Spa or have had the procedure recently, you may want to know what to do to maximise the beneficial effects of your treatment. Here, we discuss the best advice in the days following your BOTOX at our aesthetics clinic.

What to do after getting BOTOX®

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Having BOTOX as a cosmetic treatment doesn’t involve any lengthy recovery time, which means that you are free to go back to your daily routine straight away. You won’t have to take time off work or rest up for lengthy periods. But there are certain activities that you should avoid if you want to make the most of your treatment and ensure its effects are as beneficial as they can be.

  1. Delay wearing make up for a while

BOTOX injections are typically used in the facial area. If you’ve had BOTOX treatment on your face, you should avoid wearing makeup for around 24 hours after your injection. That’s because applying makeup generally involves rubbing your face, which can potentially disperse the BOTOX in and around the injection site. Because that would alter the concentration of BOTOX in your skin, it could diminish the effects of the injection.

Equally, you should also avoid touching your face as much as possible for at least a day, but up to three days if possible. The same advice holds true if you have BOTOX injected into any other parts of your body.

  1. Put off your exercise routine for a while

If you exercise regularly as part of your daily routine, you should also avoid that for at least a day after having a BOTOX injection at our aesthetics clinic in Leamington Spa. Depending on your own unique circumstances, we might also recommend refraining from exercise or working out for anything up to a week after treatment. This is because strenuous physical activities like this will increase your blood flow, which can cause the injected BOTOX to spread to nearby areas.

This will lower the effectiveness of the treatment and can even cause light bruising in some cases. Additionally, exercise causes the muscles to contract, which is the opposite of the muscle relaxation effects that BOTOX is aiming to achieve.

Having said all that, minor facial exercises such as smiling, raising your eyebrows, and frowning are recommended because these small movements can make the BOTOX take effect sooner. You can also continue walking and moving around as you normally would, but anything more than that should be put on hold for a while.

  1. Avoid taking medicines and other substances that can thin your blood

In the immediate days after a BOTOX injection, anything that can thin your blood should also be avoided. Experts recommend you should wait a minimum of 24 hours before drinking alcohol or taking medications that can thin the blood, for instance.

  1. Avoid having other skin treatments that can cause interference

BOTOX injections take time to do their work on relaxing your muscles. Other skin treatments that are taken simultaneously or immediately after getting your BOTOX injection can lower the effectiveness of the treatment. This means that you should avoid having a facial treatment, any massage near the injection site, dermal fillers, and so on until the BOTOX has had time to do its work.

why should you get botox in leamington spa

Now you know what to avoid after the treatment, you may be searching online for treatment with ‘BOTOX near me’. If so, we recommend you check out our offers at La Fuente Aesthetics Clinic Leamington Spa. Here, we aim to bring beauty, health, and aesthetic procedures to our clients across the region. Our clinic offers BOTOX injections and other procedures that can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence.

You can visit the corresponding sections on this website to view our full range of services, or you can call 01926 893091 with any enquiries. Alternatively, you can book an appointment through our website today!


How long does BOTOX last?

BOTOX tends to last around three to four months, on average. Some patients may continue to see results for between four and six months, while for others, two to three months is more typical. It’s also worth noting that the effects of a first treatment don’t usually last as long as subsequent ones, so getting additional treatments is ideal.

At what age should you start getting BOTOX?

The typical age for starting BOTOX treatment is around 30, although some people consider having it in their mid-20s. While most people don’t have many worries about wrinkles at this age, it is possible that BOTOX can be useful in preventing the signs of ageing from appearing in the first place.

What happens if you stop doing BOTOX?

When you stop using BOTOX, your muscles will eventually start working as they did before the treatment began. However, you don’t need to worry that this will in any way accelerate the ageing process. It simply means that your skin will age as it would have done if you hadn’t used BOTOX at all.

Can I wear makeup after BOTOX?

It is best to wait at least four hours after treatment before putting anything on your face if you want the maximum effect from your BOTOX injection, and preferably for a day or more. However, if you feel that you must, you should at least wait 10-20 minutes until the tiny injection puncture site heals.

How do I prepare my skin for BOTOX?

Before your Botox injection, don’t use any chemical peels, tanning lotion, or other kinds of facial treatment. To minimise any bruising, apply Arnica cream to the affected area. Ice your face for 20 minutes twice a day before and after the procedure to reduce swelling.

Why BOTOX is the best?

BOTOX is a proven treatment that aids in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, crow’s feet, frown lines, and other signs of ageing. It is important to note that BOTOX isn’t the only botulinum toxin on the market, nor did Allergan create the drug itself, but we use this brand at La Fuente Clinic as we believe it offers the very best results. With BOTOX, patients can expect to get smoother, younger-looking skin. BOTOX even has a number of medical applications, aside from cosmetics.

Surprising Uses for BOTOX

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BOTOX has regularly astonished the medical community with its seemingly limitless applications.

Already licensed for nine medical conditions and a variety of cosmetic ones, Allergan, the company that created BOTOX, has nearly 800 additional patents filed for various other applications.

BOTOX has become a standard cosmetic procedure alongside other treatments, such as Restylane. Yet its cosmetic uses make up less than half of its known applications. BOTOX is widely used in the medical profession for a wide variety of therapeutic treatments to relieve a range of conditions, including chronic migraines and back pain, excessive sweating, and twitchy eyelids.

BOTOX injections are generally considered safe if they are applied by a trained, experienced professional and used in modest amounts. Your practitioner will clearly outline the results you can expect before administering treatment, as well as explain how to maximise the benefits.

Choosing Who Will Do Your Cosmetic Procedure

If you’re thinking about getting any cosmetic procedure, you’ll need to find the right clinic to have your treatment. You should ensure that any practitioner you’re thinking of using has had the proper training in administering the injections. You should also ask about their level of experience and whether they have insurance coverage, as these are signs of a responsible professional.

Before you make your final decision on which clinic to use, book a consultation with the individual who will carry out the treatment. Ask them about the kinds of results you can expect, as well as how you can prepare for the procedure. Also, request information on any aftercare regime you should follow if you decide to go ahead. You can also ask them for information to take home with you, such as a flyer from the product’s manufacturer.

You can also explore other types of treatment that may be available at the clinic and what kinds of results these might have, so that you know you’ve considered all the available options to get the results you are hoping for. Armed with this information after your consultation, you should take time and space to decide whether to proceed with the procedure.

For many people, BOTOX is a good choice to temporarily combat the effects of ageing. At La Fuente Clinic, we offer BOTOX in Leamington Spa and a range of other beauty treatments to transform your look and your self-esteem.

Find out more about the services we offer here on our website. Book a consultation or get in touch as we’d be delighted to talk through your options with you.

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